Privacy Policy

Your users' privacy is of the utmost concern for us at Fount. Spoiler only stores what information is absolutely necessary for it to function and Fount will NEVER share ANY of your users' information or messages with third parties.


In order to eliminate the risk of unwanted disclosures of your users' personal information, we have taken several precautions during the development of Spoiler. These include:

Zero Authorization Spoiling

Simple, anonymous spoilers utilizes Slack's slash command APIs and interactive workflows. This approach requires NO authorization from your users and therefore cannot access their personal information or messages. No access means no risk.

In the case of showing the user's own username, Spoiler does utilize this field in the user payload.

The only authorization ever required to use Spoiler is for setting up the /spoiler command when the app is initially installed for your team.

Zero Persistence of Personally Identifiable Information

There is no personally identifiable information ever persisted for any of your users. Even when the command is invoked, no authorization tokens or user identifiable metadata are saved. None. In fact, there is zero persistance of any kind.